Our Story
Wondering where it all began?

BrownDog Roasting was dreamed up four years ago when I realized my love of coffee ran much deeper than just being a consumer. As a professional athlete I traveled around the world often and found myself always looking for high quality and fresh coffee from the local shops. I began researching everything I could about coffee beans: coffee farms, harvesting, locations, and of course the roasting process. I was intrigued and on a mission to roast my own coffee at home. I purchased my first roaster, a Kaldi, which was manual and used an open flame. I learned quickly how much attention to detail a roaster needs and I continued to learn and practice. I have since upgraded to the Bullet, which is what I use today to roast the freshest beans to give you the highest quality and most flavorful coffee which can turn any person into a coffee lover.
The Name
I have been asked about the inspiration behind the name of our brand. BrownDog is named after our best friend and most loyal companion, Bruno. He is a Boxweiler (part Boxer, part Rottweiler) and we refer to him as our “Brown Dog”.

Zero Waste
My son was born four years ago and as I was pursuing my love of roasting, my wife was becoming more aware of the wastefulness in the world. She wanted to avoid a single use package for our coffee beans. This is where the glass bottle came to life. Our goal is to help reduce waste by avoiding single use packaging, which is standard in our world today. We hope that our new customers will enjoy the unique packaging but will also help us play a roll in reducing waste by “refilling” their bottle after it is empty and reusing it for years to come.